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Build multiplayer games in minutes

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What is Playroom?

Playroom provides reliable multiplayer backend and cross-platform integrations for real-time games. With Playroom, developers can create engaging and dynamic multiplayer experiences.

The service offers auto-scaling and optimization for global reach. Built with the needs of modern multiplayer games in mind, Playroom simplifies the complex process of developing multiplayer games. This reduces the workload on developers and allows them to focus on creative aspects.

Playroom supports extensive features like managed SSL certificates, scalability options, and bug handling. These ensure that games run smoothly across platforms. Playroom continuously updates and improves its toolsets, making it a reliable choice for game developers.

Use Cases

  • Indie Game Developers: Quickly integrate multiplayer functionalities in small-scale games.
  • Large Gaming Studios: Handle large numbers of concurrent users with auto-scaling.
  • Educational Institutions: Use for teaching multiplayer game development.
  • Game Development Workshops: Simplify the multiplayer setup process for workshop participants.
  • Prototypers: Rapidly build and test multiplayer game concepts.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Integration: Seamlessly connect players across different devices.
  • Managed SSL Certificates: Secure all data and connections out-of-the-box.
  • Auto-Scaling: Automatically adjusts resources based on user demand.
  • Global Scalability: Ensures your game can be played smoothly worldwide.
  • Bug Handling: Integrated tools for tracking and managing bugs.
  • User Management: Easily manage user authentication and sessions.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive guides and resources for developers.
  • Developer Support: Priority assistance for troubleshooting and queries.


Easy to set up: Easy to set up and integrate.

Reliable: Reliable and scalable backend.

Developer support: Comprehensive developer support.

Cross-platform: Cross-platform compatibility.

Regular updates: Regular updates and new features.

Secure: Secure data transmission.

Documentation: Extensive documentation.

Auto-scaling: Auto-scaling for high traffic periods.


Learning curve: Advanced features might have a learning curve.

Alpha features: Some features are in alpha stage.


  • Hobby: Free - Non-commercial use, up to 15,000 MAU.
  • Starter: $10/month - 15,000 MAU, unlimited CCU, 10,000 MAU extra credits.
  • Studio: $150/month - 200,000 MAU, unlimited CCU, priority support.
  • Enterprise: Custom - Over 1M MAU, Volume pricing, dedicated support.

Supported Languages



  • Email: Not provided
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use Playroom?


To use Playroom, follow these steps: Step 1: Sign up for an account on the Playroom website. Step 2: Download and install the necessary SDKs and libraries. Step 3: Create and set up a new project in the Playroom dashboard. Step 4: Integrate the Playroom APIs into your game code. Step 5: Test the multiplayer functionalities. Step 6: Deploy your game and start managing users from the Playroom dashboard.

What is Playroom?


What platforms does Playroom support?


Is there a free plan available?


What type of support does Playroom offer?


Can Playroom handle a large number of concurrent users?


What security features does Playroom offer?


What is auto-scaling in Playroom?


Is Playroom suitable for large gaming studios?


Does Playroom offer any educational resources?


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