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Comment Generator

Enhance your Instagram and Threads with AI-generated comments.

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What is Comment Generator?

Comment Generator is a Chrome extension designed to help increase engagement by creating unique, AI-powered comments for Instagram and Threads. Users can generate customized comments easily, enhancing their social media presence. Comment Generator allows users to choose different commenting styles. This feature enhances the variety and uniqueness of comments, making them appear more natural and engaging. It also supports multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for global users. Users can review and edit comments before posting, ensuring the highest quality. This helps maintain the desired tone and relevance, improving the overall user interaction experience on social media platforms.

Use Cases

  • Influencers: Generate engaging comments to boost interaction on posts.
  • Social Media Managers: Automate commenting to save time and maintain activity.
  • Brands: Enhance customer engagement with personalized comments.
  • Marketing Agencies: Improve clients' social media presence with varied and relevant comments.
  • Content Creators: Use AI-generated comments to maintain consistent engagement.

Key Features

  • AI-powered Comments: Generates unique and relevant comments using AI technology.
  • Multi-language Support: Supports comments in multiple languages for global reach.
  • Customizable Styles: Allows users to choose different commenting styles for diversity.
  • Review Before Posting: Enables users to edit comments before posting them live.
  • Chrome Extension: Easy to install and use as a Chrome browser extension.
  • For Instagram and Threads: Specifically designed to enhance engagement on these platforms.
  • User-friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for easy navigation and use.
  • Affordable Plans: Offers free and affordable pricing plans to suit different needs.


Increases Engagement: Helps grow social media interaction and presence.

Saves Time: Automates the commenting process, saving users' time.

Customizable: Allows customization of comments to maintain relevance and tone.

Easy to Use: Simple interface and easy installation process.

Supports Multiple Languages: Can be used globally with multi-language support.

Varied Commenting Styles: Offers different styles to make comments unique.


Limited Platforms: Currently supports only Instagram and Threads.

Requires Chrome: Only available as a Chrome extension.

Limited Free Plan: Free plan has limited features compared to paid plans.


  • Free trial: No credit card required, limited features.
  • Subscription: $4.99/month, 100 comments per month.
  • Unlimited: $29.99/month, unlimited comments.

Supported Languages

Multiple languages (specific languages not listed)


  • Email: Not provided
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use Comment Generator?


To use Comment Generator, follow these steps: Step 1: Install the Comment Generator Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. Step 2: Open the extension and log in with your credentials. Step 3: Select the platform (Instagram or Threads) where you want to generate comments. Step 4: Choose the commenting style and language. Step 5: Review and edit the generated comments if needed. Step 6: Post the comments directly from the extension.

What platforms does Comment Generator support?


Does Comment Generator support multiple languages?


What are the pricing plans for Comment Generator?


Can I review and edit comments before posting them?


How does Comment Generator help increase engagement?


Is there a free trial available for Comment Generator?


What are the key features of Comment Generator?


Can Comment Generator be used on platforms other than Instagram and Threads?


What are the benefits of using Comment Generator?


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