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Comments Analytics

AI-powered tool for advanced comment analysis and extraction.

What is Comments Analytics?

Comments Analytics is an advanced AI-powered tool that specializes in extracting and analyzing comments from various sources. It offers features such as sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and named-entity recognition. This tool is designed to help users gain insights from comments efficiently.

One of the primary advantages of Comments Analytics is its user-friendly interface. The tool is easy to navigate, making it accessible even for those with limited technical skills. It also provides tailored learning materials and 24/5 customer support to assist users.

Additionally, Comments Analytics regularly updates its features and tools. Users can benefit from the latest insights and improvements, ensuring they stay ahead in their analytical capabilities. This makes the tool reliable and up-to-date.

Use Cases

  • Marketing professionals: Sentiment analysis to gauge customer opinions.
  • Customer service teams: Extract comments for better service insights.
  • Data analysts: Keyword and entity extraction for data research.
  • Product managers: Monitor feedback for product improvements.
  • Social media managers: Analyze social media comments to understand audience.

Key Features

  • Comments Extraction: Extracts comments from various sources.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzes the sentiment of extracted comments.
  • Keyword Extraction: Identifies and extracts relevant keywords.
  • Named-Entity Recognition: Recognizes and categorizes entities in comments.
  • Category Extraction: Groups comments into predefined categories.
  • Pre-trained Models: Access to models pre-trained for specific tasks.
  • Custom Models: Ability to create and use custom models.
  • Ticket Support: Offers 24/5 customer support via tickets.


Easy-to-use: The tool has an easy-to-use and intuitive interface.

Comprehensive: Provides various features for comprehensive comment analysis.

Updated Regularly: The tool is regularly updated with new features.

Learning Materials: Offers tailored learning materials for users.

Customer Support: Provides 24/5 customer support for users.

Customizable: Users can create and use custom models tailored to their needs.

Pre-trained Models: Access to models that are pre-trained for specific tasks.

Flexible Pricing: Multiple subscription plans to cater to different needs.


High Cost: The Team plan is relatively expensive.

Limited Queries: The Free and Starter plans have limited queries.

No Dedicated Servers: No dedicated servers are available in the Free plan.


  • Free: $0.0 (50 Queries, Comments Extraction, Ticket Support, Pre-trained models, Sentiment Analysis, Keyword Extraction, Named-Entity Recognition, Category Extraction)
  • Starter: $39.0 (1,000 Queries, Full access to services)
  • Team: $285.0 (10,000 Queries, Full access to services)

Supported Languages


  • Email:
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


What are the payment terms?


The payment terms for Comments Analytics depend on the chosen subscription plan. The Free plan is available at no cost, and the Starter plan costs $39.0. The Team plan is priced at $285.0. Payments need to be made monthly, and users can contact the support team for any custom plans or specific requirements.

How much does Comments Analytics cost?


Is there any overage charge for comments extraction from websites?


Is there any additional fee for setup and support models?


Do our services cover specific language comments?


Is my data secure? Can I upload my private and sensitive data to Comments Analytics?


Can I get a custom plan tailored to my specific needs and query count?


How do I use Comments Analytics?


What features are included in the Starter plan?


What support is provided with the Free plan?


Can I cancel or upgrade my subscription plan at any time?


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