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AI-powered Amazon listing optimization tool

What is CopyMonkey?

CopyMonkey is designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their product listings using AI technology. CopyMonkey aims to increase revenue and improve sales performance for Amazon listings. The tool automates the tedious tasks of listing generation and keyword research.

CopyMonkey provides a listing generator that creates high-converting Amazon product listings. It also offers a listing audit feature that checks and improves existing listings. The keyword uploader ensures that you use the most effective keywords for your products.

By leveraging AI, CopyMonkey helps you stay ahead of your competitors. It enables unlimited edits, so you can continuously refine your listings. The tool also offers customized pricing for businesses needing API access and personal management.

Use Cases

  • Small Amazon sellers: For optimizing their few products efficiently
  • Large Amazon sellers: For managing and refining hundreds of listings
  • E-commerce consultants: For providing best-in-class services to clients
  • SEO specialists: For refining keywords in Amazon product listings
  • Product managers: For generating and auditing product descriptions

Key Features

  • Listing Generator: Creates high-converting product listings.
  • Listing Audit: Checks and improves existing product listings.
  • Keyword Uploader: Ensures the use of effective keywords.
  • Unlimited Edits: Allows continuous refining of listings.
  • Listing Export: Facilitates easy export of listings.
  • API Access: Custom access for tailored business needs.
  • Personal Manager: Provides personalized support and guidance.
  • Bulk Import & Export: Simplifies handling multiple listings.


AI-powered: Enhances listing optimization using AI technology.

Time-saving: Saves time by automating tedious listing tasks.

Improves sales: Improves sales performance and revenue.

Unlimited edits: Provides unlimited edits for continuous improvement.

Support: Offers personalized support and API access.

Keyword management: Facilitates easy keyword management.

Custom pricing: Customized pricing for enterprise solutions.


Premium pricing: Premium pricing might not be affordable for all users.

Amazon only: Limited to Amazon platform.

Learning curve: Advanced features might have a learning curve.


  • Starter: $24 per month (billed yearly), 6 Amazon listings per month, Listing Generator, Listing Audit, Keyword Uploader, Unlimited Edits, Listing Export, Chat Support.
  • Pro: $49 per month (billed yearly), 50 Amazon listings per month, including all Starter features plus Listing A/B Tests (soon).
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing, custom price for listings, API access, Personal Manager, Bulk Import & Export, all Pro features plus additional customization.

Supported Languages


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How does CopyMonkey optimize Amazon listings?


CopyMonkey uses AI technology to optimize Amazon listings. The tool offers a listing generator that creates high-converting product descriptions. It also includes a listing audit feature that reviews and improves existing listings. By automating these tasks, CopyMonkey helps sellers save time and increase sales performance.

What are the main features of CopyMonkey?


Who can benefit from using CopyMonkey?


How to use CopyMonkey?


What pricing plans does CopyMonkey offer?


Is there a free trial available for CopyMonkey?


Does CopyMonkey support other e-commerce platforms?


Can I cancel my CopyMonkey subscription at any time?


How does CopyMonkey handle keyword management?


What customization options are available for enterprise users?


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