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eesel offers instant answers to any questions via company knowledge AI.

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What is eesel?

eesel is an AI that understands your company’s knowledge and provides instant answers to any question. It integrates seamlessly with platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams. This tool helps streamline responses to customer queries on your website, help desk, or chat channels. With eesel, you can automate responses to FAQs and standard queries. It can be trained using unlimited public or internal pages. By doing so, it ensures accurate and up-to-date answers. eesel offers complete customization, allowing it to work with various help desk integrations such as Intercom or Zendesk. The AI is also capable of securely handling sensitive data, ensuring it remains encrypted and protected. Moreover, eesel supports over 80 languages. This makes it versatile and useful for multinational teams. It is trusted by thousands of companies for its reliability and efficiency.

Use Cases

  • Customer Support Teams: Automate responses to frequently asked questions on help desks.
  • Sales Teams: Provide instant answers to potential customer queries.
  • Internal IT Support: Answer team members' technical queries instantly.
  • HR Departments: Automate responses to common employee inquiries.
  • Multinational Corporations: Offer multilingual support worldwide.

Key Features

  • Instant Answers: Provides immediate responses based on company knowledge.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, and Intercom.
  • Customizable AI: Allows comprehensive configuration to meet specific needs.
  • Data Security: Ensures data is encrypted and stored securely in a SOC2 certified data center.
  • Multilingual Support: Offers support in over 80 languages.
  • Ease of Use: Simple setup process enabling rapid deployment.
  • Complete Control: Users can control the exact pages the AI can access.
  • Branding Options: Customizable branding for consistent look and feel.


Instant responses: Provides immediate replies to queries.

Seamless Integration: Works smoothly with tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

High Security: Ensures data is encrypted and protected.

Customizable: AI and branding customization options available.

Multilingual: Supports over 80 languages.

Easy setup: User-friendly setup process.

Private: Fully controlled by users.

Reliable: Highly praised for reliability.


Costly: Monthly subscription can be expensive for small businesses.

Training Required: Needs training on company-specific information.


  • Starter: $49/month, 200 AI replies, train on unlimited public or internal pages, chat via link or embed.
  • Team: $299/month, 1500 AI replies, includes Starter features plus chat in Slack/Microsoft Teams, help desk integrations, premium support.
  • Custom: Contact sales for pricing, includes all Team features plus on-premise offering, EU data residency, advanced customizations, reporting.

Supported Languages

Supports over 80 languages


  • Email: Not provided
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use eesel?


Using eesel is straightforward. Step 1: Sign up for an account on their website. Step 2: Choose the appropriate pricing plan for your needs. Step 3: Integrate eesel with your preferred platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams. Step 4: Train eesel using your public or internal pages. Step 5: Customize the AI settings to align with your branding and specific requirements. Step 6: Start using eesel to automate responses and improve efficiency.

Is my data safe with eesel?


Can eesel work with my existing tools?


How do I train eesel over my entire internal knowledge base?


Can I get a demo of eesel?


Do you give discounts for schools or not-for-profits?


What customization options does eesel offer?


How long does it take to set up eesel?


Can eesel handle multilingual support?


What kind of customer support does eesel offer?


What are the benefits of using eesel?


Can I customize the branding of eesel?


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