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Kaktus AI

Revolutionizing HR with AI-driven insights.

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What is Kaktus AI?

This innovative platform merges data and AI to transform HR processes and employee welfare management. Kaktus AI offers predictive analysis and real-time insights into workforce wellbeing.

Kaktus AI emphasizes on comprehensive wellbeing analytics. It evaluates workplace stress, mood, job satisfaction, and more. The tool identifies potential risks and helps implement preemptive measures.

Organizations benefit from enhanced workforce insights. Kaktus's automation features streamline several HR tasks. This results in more engaged and satisfied employees.

Use Cases

  • HR Professionals: Optimizing employee engagement and performance.
  • Team Leaders: Monitoring team wellbeing and managing workload.
  • Mental Health Experts: Early detection of workplace mental health issues.
  • Business Managers: Data-driven insights for informed decision-making.
  • Small Business Owners: Streamlining HR tasks and improving employee satisfaction.

Key Features

  • Smart Surveying Dashboard: Gathers comprehensive employee feedback.
  • Predictive Analytics: Anticipates issues before they escalate.
  • Wellbeing Signals: Tracks and reports on employees' mental health.
  • AI Behavioural Analytics: Analyzes patterns in employee behavior.
  • Engagement Feedback: Collects data on employee engagement levels.
  • Performance Feedback: Offers real-time performance insights.
  • Overworking Signals: Detects and alerts on potential overworking risks.
  • Internal & External Relationship Insights: Provides relationship health metrics.


Comprehensive Insights: Comprehensive insights on workforce health.

Automation: Automation of routine HR tasks.

Early Detection: Early detection of mental health issues.

Engagement: Enhanced employee engagement.

Decision-making: Improved decision-making with data analytics.

Performance Monitoring: Real-time performance monitoring.

Scalability: Scalable for different business sizes.

User-Friendly: User-friendly dashboards.


Cost: Cost may be high for small businesses.

Integration: Requires integration with existing systems.

Learning Curve: Learning curve for new users.


  • Starter: Good for small teams (10-250 employees) - Includes survey dashboard, benchmark, modules analytics, segmental analytics, 360 review, engagement feedback, performance feedback, mental health & wellbeing feedbacks, and survey library
  • Standard: For larger teams (250-999 employees) - Includes connect dashboard, AI-behavioral analytics, workplace monitoring, internal & external relationship insights, wellbeing signals, overworking signals, nudge access, actions access, and advanced insights dashboard
  • Enterprise: For big companies (1000+ employees) - Custom pricing available upon request

Supported Languages



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How does Kaktus AI track organizational wellbeing?


Kaktus AI uses a comprehensive intelligence system to assess different aspects of employee wellbeing. This includes analyzing stress levels, mood, job satisfaction, and relationship health within the workplace. The platform provides real-time data and predictive analytics to identify areas of improvement and potential risks, helping organizations to take prompt action to ensure a healthy work environment.

What is included in the Kaktus AI Starter plan?


How can Kaktus AI help in early detection of mental health issues?


How does Kaktus AI enhance employee engagement?


What features are available in the Kaktus AI Standard plan?


How can business managers benefit from using Kaktus AI?


Can Kaktus AI's features be customized according to business needs?


What is the primary focus of Kaktus AI's analytics capabilities?


How secure is the data collected by Kaktus AI?


How to use Kaktus AI?


Is there a trial available for Kaktus AI?


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