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AI-powered tool for creating presentations quickly.

What is MagicSlides?

MagicSlides is an AI-powered tool designed to assist users in creating presentations quickly and efficiently. It offers a streamlined workflow that converts various input formats into high-quality slides.

MagicSlides allows you to transform text, URLs, YouTube videos, or PDFs into polished presentations with minimal effort. It supports more than 100 languages, making it accessible to a global audience. One of the standout features of MagicSlides is its ability to handle large inputs, ensuring comprehensive and detailed presentations.

The product is tailored to suit different user needs with flexible pricing options. Whether you're a student, professional, or part of a team, MagicSlides offers suitable plans that cater to your specific requirements. Moreover, the integration with popular platforms makes it a versatile solution for various contexts.

Another notable aspect is the incorporation of useful integrations, including Wikipedia, which helps users to source relevant information directly into their slides. The intuitive interface and rich feature set drastically reduce the time needed to create presentations, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Use Cases

  • Students: Create class presentations or projects quickly.
  • Professionals: Develop business presentations or reports efficiently.
  • Educators: Prepare lecture slides with ease.
  • Teams: Collaborate on presentations across different departments.
  • Marketers: Generate marketing materials and pitch decks swiftly.

Key Features

  • AI Conversion: Converts text, URLs, YouTube videos, or PDFs into presentations.
  • Multilingual Support: Supports more than 100 languages for global reach.
  • Large Input Capacity: Handles extensive inputs up to 16 million characters yearly.
  • Integrations: Integrates with Wikipedia and other platforms for enriched content.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for ease of use.
  • Flexible Pricing: Offers various plans to cater to individual and team needs.
  • Access to Previous Slides: Allows users to revisit and reuse past slides.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitates teamwork through shared projects.


Easy to use: Easy to use interface.

Multiple formats: Supports multiple input formats (text, URL, YouTube, PDF).

Platform integrations: Integrates with popular platforms like Wikipedia.

Global access: Suitable for a global audience with 100+ language support.

Time-saving: Reduces time spent on creating presentations.

Flexible pricing: Offers various pricing plans for different needs.

Slide access: Includes access to previous projects and slides.

High capacity: High character input capacity for detailed presentations.


Limited free version: Limited features in the free version.

Costly premium: Advanced functions only available in premium plans.


  • Free: $0/month, includes 3 presentations per month and other basic features.
  • Pro: $12.40/month (billed $149/year), includes advanced features and up to 600 presentations per year.
  • Premium: $23.30/month (billed $279/year), includes unlimited presentations and all features.

Supported Languages

MagicSlides supports more than 100 languages.


  • Email: Not provided
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  • Phone Number:


What do I actually receive after I purchase a license?


Once you purchase a MagicSlides license, you gain access to a range of features based on your chosen plan. The Pro plan gives you up to 600 presentations yearly, advanced input conversion capabilities, and integrations. The Premium plan includes unlimited presentations, extensive input capacities, and all advanced features. Both plans support more than 100 languages, allowing you to create presentations in various languages seamlessly.

Will I be able to cancel it later?


Can someone else order the license on my behalf?


How is support provided and what does it include?


What constitutes a user in terms of pricing?


How to use MagicSlides?


Can I use MagicSlides in multiple languages?


Is integration with other tools available?


What are the advantages of the premium plan?


Is there a free trial available?


What should I do if I cannot find an answer to my question?


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