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What is mrgn?

mrgn is an innovative AI tool designed to help small businesses automate their financial planning and decision-making processes. With predictive insights and financial simulations, it aids businesses in navigating uncertainties and making informed decisions. The product's AI-driven benchmarks also compare business metrics with industry standards, ensuring businesses stay competitive.

mrgn provides easy-to-understand financial models tailored for small businesses. These models aid in various aspects such as salary benchmarks, financing plans, and headcount planning. The robust simulations enable businesses to visualize potential financial scenarios and outcomes in seconds, without requiring specialized financial knowledge.

This AI tool is particularly beneficial for small businesses by reducing the need for a dedicated finance or operations degree. It offers meaningful analytics, making financial planning seamless and efficient. Moreover, mrgn bridges the gap between large company financial models and practical, accessible solutions for small businesses, enhancing their growth potential.

Use Cases

  • Small Business Owners: Streamline financial planning and decision-making processes.
  • Finance Teams: Utilize predictive insights and simulations for better budget forecasting.
  • Operations Managers: Enhance operational efficiency by understanding financial impacts.
  • Start-ups: Obtain clear financial benchmarks and growth projections.
  • Consultants: Provide clients with data-driven financial advice and strategies.

Key Features

  • Predictive Insights: Helps navigate financial uncertainties.
  • Automated Financial Planning: Reduces the need for specialized financial knowledge.
  • Financial Simulations: Visualize various financial scenarios quickly.
  • AI-Driven Benchmarks: Compare business metrics with industry standards.
  • Salary Benchmarks: Provides industry-specific salary data for informed decisions.
  • Financing Plans: Structures financing options for business growth.
  • Headcount Planning: Optimizes hiring and staffing needs.
  • Investor Due Diligence Models: Streamlines preparation for investor meetings.


Simplifies financial planning: Simplifies financial planning for small businesses.

Quick insights: Offers quick financial simulations and insights.

No specialized knowledge needed: Reduces need for specialized finance knowledge.

Data-driven decision-making: Data-driven decision-making support.

Operational efficiency: Enhances operational and financial efficiency.

Industry and salary benchmarks: Provides industry and salary benchmarks.

Customizable models: Customizable financing and hiring models.


Limited applications: Limited to small business applications.

Learning curve: Potential learning curve for new users.

Upcoming features: Some advanced features still upcoming.


  • Starter: $29/month, 1 user, basic simulations, 48-hour response time, 5 employees, $500K revenue.
  • Business: $89/month, 3 users, advanced simulations, 24-hour response time, 6-30 employees, $500K–$3M revenue, upcoming milestones and benchmark insights.
  • Growth: $129/month, unlimited users, advanced simulations, 8-hour response time, unlimited employees, high-growth revenue, integrations, task delegation, scheduled reports, upcoming milestones and benchmark insights.

Supported Languages



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What is mrgn?


mrgn is an AI-powered tool designed to help small businesses automate their financial planning and decision-making processes. It provides predictive insights, financial simulations, and industry benchmarks to aid businesses in making informed decisions. The tool simplifies complex financial models, making them accessible to users without specialized finance knowledge.

What are the pricing plans for mrgn?


How does mrgn help small businesses?


How do I use mrgn?


What kind of simulations does mrgn offer?


Can mrgn be used by non-finance experts?


What are the key features of mrgn?


What industries can benefit from using mrgn?


What kind of support does mrgn offer?


Is mrgn suitable for large enterprises?


Does mrgn support multiple users?


Are there any upcoming features for mrgn?


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