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No Code Founders

The community for building an online business without coding.

No Code Founders Homepage

What is No Code Founders?

No Code Founders is a platform made for non-technical founders. It provides tools, resources, and a community to help you build an online business without coding. The platform includes courses, networking events, and various resources.

It connects you with other founders and experts in the field. You can network and learn from those who have successfully built online businesses. This reduces the learning curve by getting insights from experienced entrepreneurs.

It also offers exclusive content and workshops. These resources are designed to enhance your business-building skills. You gain practical knowledge to apply directly to your projects.

Joining No Code Founders gives you access to Slack group chats. Here you can ask questions and get answers from experts. This ensures you have support throughout your business journey.

Use Cases

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs: Learn how to build an online business.
  • Non-technical founders: Find tools to create digital products without coding.
  • Small business owners: Enhance business strategies with no-code solutions.
  • Freelancers: Add value to your services by learning no-code tools.
  • Startup founders: Scale your startup with community support.

Key Features

  • Networking & Workshops: Connect with peers and learn in live workshops.
  • Courses: Access 78 hours of video content to build your no-code skills.
  • Slack Q&A: Get your questions answered by experts in real-time.
  • Exclusive Content: Over 100 case studies and business guides.
  • Resources: E-books, templates, and tools for business growth.
  • Mentorship: Learn from experienced founders who have succeeded without code.


Community support: Connect with like-minded individuals.

Comprehensive resources: Access to a wide range of tools and materials.

Expert advice: Get insights from those who have built successful businesses.

Practical learning: Apply what you learn to real-life projects.

Networking opportunities: Meet other non-technical founders and experts.

Time-saving: Learn from others' experiences to avoid common pitfalls.


Membership cost: May be high for some users.

Limited to no-code approach: May not be suitable for those needing advanced coding.


  • Monthly Plan: $29 per month
  • Yearly Plan: $20 per month (billed annually)

Supported Languages



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What is No Code Founders?


No Code Founders is a community platform designed for non-technical founders. It provides the tools, resources, and support needed to build an online business without any coding knowledge. This includes courses, workshops, networking opportunities, and exclusive content to help users successfully create and scale their businesses.

How does No Code Founders help non-technical founders?


What kind of courses does No Code Founders offer?


What is included in the No Code Founders membership?


How to use No Code Founders?


Who can benefit from No Code Founders?


What are the key features of No Code Founders?


Are there any disadvantages to using No Code Founders?


What are the pricing plans for No Code Founders?


What kind of community support does No Code Founders provide?


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