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Plan, create, schedule, and optimize your LinkedIn content with AI.

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What is Postdrips?

Postdrips helps you create engaging and optimized LinkedIn posts using AI. This tool allows for better content creation that captures attention and increases engagement. With Postdrips, you save time by never having to worry about writer's block.

Postdrips comes with a straightforward interface. It minimizes distractions and immerses you in the writing process. The intuitive design enables easy navigation and use, making content creation efficient.

Postdrips offers scheduling and publishing features. You can effortlessly schedule months' worth of content. It helps you remain consistent and effective in your marketing campaigns. The automated system handles publication timing, optimizing your reach.

Use Cases

  • Social Media Managers: Efficiently plan and schedule LinkedIn posts.
  • Business Professionals: Create persuasive content to grow personal brands.
  • Marketing Teams: Enhance LinkedIn campaigns with AI-powered tools.
  • Influencers: Maintain consistency with engaging LinkedIn updates.
  • Content Creators: Overcome writer’s block and streamline posting.

Key Features

  • Post Generator: AI-powered tool for crafting engaging LinkedIn posts.
  • Post Preview: View exact previews of posts to optimize for maximum engagement.
  • Images & Videos: Incorporate GIFs, images, and videos in your posts.
  • Style Your Post: Format and style posts with ease using built-in formatting options.
  • Emoji Support: Add personality to your posts with over 3,000 emojis.
  • Drafts & Queue: Save drafts and manage posts in a queue.
  • Scheduling Tool: Schedule posts for optimal times to reach your audience.
  • Saved Snippets: Access and use saved snippets for consistency in messaging.


Saves Time: Saves time with automated scheduling.

Increases Engagement: Increases engagement with AI-optimized posts.

Easy-to-use Interface: Easy-to-use interface.

Reduces Writer's Block: Reduces writer's block with AI assistance.

Content Preview: Allows content preview before posting.

Supports Multimedia: Supports multimedia content.

Enhances Posts: Enhances posts with emojis.


LinkedIn Only: Limited to LinkedIn only.

Subscription-based: Requires a subscription.

Limited Analytics: May lack advanced analytics tools.

Limited Multi-Account: Limited multi-account support in cheaper plans.


  • Starter Plan: $20/month Includes: 1 LinkedIn Account, Full AI Features, Unlimited Drafts & Uploads, Post Styling & Previews, Saved Snippets.

Supported Languages



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How to use Postdrips?


Using Postdrips is seamless. Here’s how:

Step 1: Sign Up and log in to your Postdrips account.

Step 2: Use the Post Generator to create your LinkedIn post. Enter your content details and generate engaging text.

Step 3: Preview your post using the Post Preview feature. Ensure it looks perfect for LinkedIn.

Step 4: Incorporate images, videos, or emojis to enrich your content.

Step 5: Save your draft or directly move it to the queue for scheduling.

Step 6: Schedule your post for optimal engagement times, or publish it instantly.

What is Postdrips?


Who can benefit from using Postdrips?


What features does Postdrips offer?


Can I schedule posts with Postdrips?


Does Postdrips support multimedia content?


What is the pricing for Postdrips?


Is there a free trial available for Postdrips?


How does Postdrips help overcome writer's block?


Can I manage multiple LinkedIn accounts with Postdrips?


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