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AI-powered search engine result API to collect real-time data.

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What is SpaceSerp?

SpaceSerp is an AI-powered tool that enables users to collect real-time search engine results. It’s designed to monitor brand or product mentions across the web. The system is powered by cutting-edge AI models.

The SpaceSerp API delivers versatility, performance, and flexibility. It converts search engine results into structured data formats like JSON, CSV, or HTML. Use it from any location and device, ensuring comprehensive data collection.

With SpaceSerp, businesses can turn SERPs into valuable data. It supports parsing various result types like organic results, ads, video results, and more. This helps businesses gain insights and improve decision-making.

SpaceSerp automates routine monitoring, saving users time and effort. The automation features help users gather structured results without programming knowledge. Users can manage large search volumes with ease.

Use Cases

  • Marketing Agencies: Monitor brand mentions and SEO performance.
  • E-commerce Businesses: Track competitor product positions and reviews.
  • Market Researchers: Gather data for trend analysis and consumer behavior.
  • Developers: Integrate search data into applications and systems.
  • Content Creators: Analyze keyword performance and content visibility.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Search Results: Collect data from search engines instantly.
  • Versatile Data Formats: Supports JSON, CSV, and HTML formats.
  • Automation: Automate data collection and management tasks.
  • Global Reach: Fetch data from any location and device.
  • Comprehensive Parsing: Parses various result types efficiently.
  • Scalability: Handles large search volumes seamlessly.
  • Usage Analytics: Provides insights on data usage and trends.
  • Intuitive API: Easy to integrate and use for developers.


Real-time data collection: Real-time data collection

Supports multiple data formats: Supports multiple data formats

Automated tasks save time: Automated tasks save time

Global data reach: Global data reach

Comprehensive result parsing: Comprehensive result parsing

Handles high search volumes: Handles high search volumes

Detailed usage analytics: Detailed usage analytics

Developer-friendly API: Developer-friendly API


Complex setup: Complex setup for beginners

Higher cost: Higher cost for advanced plans


  • Hobby: $14.99/month - 1,000 searches per month, 1 automation, usage analytics.
  • Basic: $39.99/month - 5,000 searches per month, 3 automations, usage analytics, team management, chat support.
  • Pro: $79.99/month - 15,000 searches per month, 5 automations, usage analytics, team management, chat support.
  • Ultra: $149.99/month - 50,000 searches per month, unlimited automations, usage analytics, team management, chat support.

Supported Languages



  • Email:
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use SpaceSerp?


To use SpaceSerp, follow these steps: Step 1: Sign up and choose a pricing plan that suits your needs. Step 2: Integrate the SpaceSerp API into your application or system using the provided documentation. Step 3: Utilize the API to collect search engine results in real-time and in desired formats such as JSON, CSV, or HTML. Step 4: Configure automation settings to manage your data collection tasks efficiently. Step 5: Use the provided tools and analytics to monitor your data and gain insights.

What is SpaceSerp?


What data formats does SpaceSerp support?


Can SpaceSerp be used globally?


What types of search results can SpaceSerp parse?


Who can benefit from using SpaceSerp?


What automation capabilities does SpaceSerp offer?


What are the limitations of SpaceSerp?


What are the pricing plans available for SpaceSerp?


Does SpaceSerp provide customer support?


What benefits does SpaceSerp offer for search data collection?


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