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AI notetaker for seamless meeting summaries

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What is Superpowered?

It is an AI-notetaking application designed to support every meeting platform. Superpowered helps users generate high-quality notes instantly during meetings for better productivity.

Superpowered ensures that users get accurate and detailed notes without the need for audio recordings or bots in their meetings. This significantly enhances privacy and ensures faster note generation.

With integrations such as Notion, Salesforce, and Google Drive, Superpowered provides a range of automation features. These include generating AI templates and notes, providing smart summaries, and offering efficient task tracking.

Use Cases

  • Corporate Meetings: Generates detailed notes for professionals for better follow-ups.
  • Freelancers: Helps freelancers manage client meetings and track key points easily.
  • Educators: Assists teachers during online classes to keep accurate lesson notes.
  • Students: Aids students in capturing essential lecture points without disruptions.
  • Project Managers: Allows project managers to document discussions and action items during team meetings.

Key Features

  • AI Notetaker: Automatically generates high-quality meeting notes.
  • AI Templates: Provides customizable templates for meeting notes and summaries.
  • Integrations: Supports integrations with tools like Notion, Salesforce, and Google Drive.
  • Action Items Tracking: Simplifies tracking of meeting action items for effective follow-ups.
  • Calendar Connections: Syncs with calendar tools for automated meeting reminders.
  • Notes History: Access historical meeting notes for convenient referencing.
  • Auto-joining Meetings: Automatically joins scheduled meetings to start note-taking.
  • Custom Branding: Allows users to customize with Zoom and Slack branding.


Saves time: Saves time on manual note-taking.

Ensures privacy: Ensures privacy by not recording meetings.

Integrates: Integrates with popular productivity tools.

Customizable templates: Offers customizable note templates.

Automated joining: Provides automated meeting joining.

Tracks items: Tracks action items effectively.

Calendar sync: Syncs with calendar for reminders.

Historical notes: Provides historical notes access.


Platform only: Limited to online platforms, not available for mobile.

OS limitations: No support for Windows and Linux operating systems.


  • Free Plan: $0
  • Basic Plan: $25 per month
  • Pro Plan: $50 per month

Supported Languages



  • Email: Not available
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How do AI Notes work?


Superpowered transcribes your device audio during your meetings and uses the transcript to generate notes. This way, users get clear and accurate meeting summaries without needing to record the meeting sessions. AI also incorporates action items and key points automatically, saving users time on manual note-taking.

Do you record my meetings?


What operating systems do you support?


Do you offer a free trial?


How do I integrate Superpowered with other tools?


How do I use Superpowered?


What are the benefits of using Superpowered?


Can I customize my meeting notes?


Does Superpowered sync with my calendar?


How secure is my data with Superpowered?


What if I need more AI notes per month?


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