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Your AI-powered copilot to help you write emails faster.

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What is Warmest?

It is an AI copilot for email that learns your writing style and helps you write email drafts 10 times faster. By analyzing your past emails, it generates personalized drafts that fit your style.

Warmest thrives in boosting productivity. It shortens the time needed for drafting emails by providing instant personalized drafts and suggestions. Its efficient integration can save users up to 5 hours per week in email management.

Warmest is user-friendly and highly adaptable. It understands context and style, offering intelligent solutions to save time and enhance email communication efficiency. Any professional in need of streamlining email communication can benefit greatly.

Use Cases

  • Professionals: Speed up drafting responses to numerous emails.
  • Customer Support Teams: Quickly create personalized response templates.
  • Freelancers: Enhance client communication efficiency.
  • Sales Teams: Generate tailored follow-up emails.
  • Managers: Ensure consistent, effective communication with team members.

Key Features

  • Personalized Drafts: Offers drafts that match the user's writing style.
  • AI-Powered Rewriting: Helps in rewriting emails for better clarity and impact.
  • Scheduling Integration: Syncs with user's calendar to manage and suggest optimal times.
  • Summarization: Reduces long emails to concise summaries with actionable points.
  • Highlighting Sections: Allows users to highlight sections for AI to rewrite or adjust tone.
  • Feedback Incorporation: Learns from user feedback to improve drafting.
  • Shortcuts and Quick Access: Provides keyboard shortcuts for commands and easy navigation.
  • Context Understanding: Understands email context and tailors responses accordingly.


Time Saver: Saves significant time in drafting emails.

Personalization: Personalized suggestions enhance communication.

Productivity: Improves productivity with calendar integration.

Effective Summarization: Summarizes lengthy emails effectively.

Ease of Use: Easy to use with keyboard shortcuts.

Feedback Learning: Learns from feedback to improve over time.

Context-Aware: Context-aware suggestions for better clarity.

Consistency: Consistent and tailored email drafts.


Initial Setup: Might require some initial setup and learning.

Language Support: Limited language support.


  • No specific pricing plans found. Encourages free trial.

Supported Languages



  • Email: Not listed
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


What is Warmest?


Warmest is an AI-powered tool designed to help users write emails faster and more efficiently. It generates personalized email drafts by learning the user’s writing style from past emails, allowing professionals and teams to save significant time drafting their emails.

How does Warmest work?


Who can benefit from using Warmest?


How to use Warmest?


Does Warmest support different languages?


How does Warmest save you time?


Can Warmest help with scheduling emails?


How does Warmest handle email summaries?


How personalized are the drafts provided by Warmest?


Is there a free trial available for Warmest?


How does Warmest improve over time?


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