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Advanced AI writing assistant for businesses.

What is Writer?

Writer is an AI-powered writing assistant designed to streamline content creation workflows for businesses. It offers features like real-time grammar and style checks, ensuring that your content is error-free and adheres to your brand's tone. With its AI-driven insights, Writer helps teams to produce consistent and high-quality content.

Writer integrates seamlessly with tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Slack, enhancing productivity. It also provides a robust API for developers to embed its functionalities into their applications. With customizable templates and user roles, Writer can tailor its features to fit your specific needs.

Security and compliance are at the core of Writer's offerings. It encrypts data both in transit and at rest, ensuring your valuable information is always protected. Additionally, it complies with GDPR and HIPAA regulations, making it a reliable choice for industries that handle sensitive data.

Use Cases

  • Marketing Teams: Generate and optimize marketing content.
  • Editors: Perform grammar and style checks on articles.
  • Developers: Embed writing functionalities into applications.
  • Business Owners: Maintain a consistent brand voice across all communications.
  • Academic Institutions: Ensure research papers are well-written and error-free.

Key Features

  • Real-time Grammar and Style Checks: Instantly corrects errors and suggests improvements.
  • Customizable Templates: Tailor writing templates to fit specific needs.
  • API Access: Integrate Writer's features into your own applications.
  • Data Encryption: Ensures data security with end-to-end encryption.
  • Multi-user Support: Manage roles and permissions for team collaboration.
  • Compliance: Meets GDPR and HIPAA standards for data protection.
  • Platform Integration: Works with tools like Google Docs and Microsoft Word.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Provides insights to improve writing quality.


Efficiency: Enhances content creation efficiency.

Real-time Suggestions: Provides real-time grammar and style suggestions.

Multi-user Support: Supports multiple users and roles.

Customizable: Customizable to fit different business needs.

Integration: Integrates with popular productivity tools.

Security: Robust security features.

Compliance: Complies with GDPR and HIPAA.

API: Offers a comprehensive API for developers.


Costly: Custom pricing for enterprise plans may be expensive.

Learning Curve: Some advanced features may require a learning curve.

Offline Functionality: Limited offline functionality.


  • Developer Plan: Free
  • Team Plan: $18 per user per month (billed annually)
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing

Supported Languages



  • Email: Not Provided
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use Writer?


To use Writer, follow these steps: Step 1: Sign up for an account on the Writer website. Step 2: Choose a plan that suits your needs. Step 3: Download and install any necessary plugins or extensions. Step 4: Start a new document or upload an existing one. Step 5: Use the AI-powered editor to check for grammar and style issues. Step 6: Customize templates and settings to match your brand’s voice. Step 7: Collaborate with your team using the role-based permissions. Step 8: Utilize the analytics to monitor and improve your content.

What integrations does Writer support?


What security measures does Writer implement?


Can Writer be customized for different business needs?


Is there a free version of Writer available?


What is included in the Team Plan?


What benefits does the Enterprise Plan offer?


Does Writer support team collaboration?


What kind of analytics does Writer provide?


Which industries benefit most from using Writer?


How does Writer ensure compliance with data protection regulations?


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