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AI-powered business partner for launching consulting businesses.

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What is Armchair?

Armchair helps you launch a consulting side hustle from scratch. It uses AI tools to provide a proven roadmap and personalized coaching.

Armchair offers a supportive community of consultants. It is designed to turn your expertise into a thriving consulting side hustle. Say goodbye to navigating entrepreneurship alone.

With Armchair, you receive tailored consulting ideas aligned with your interests, skills, and goals. You can build an action plan with confidence.

Use Cases

  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Launch a new consulting business.
  • Side Hustlers: Start a consulting side hustle to earn extra income.
  • Retired Professionals: Monetize years of experience in a new venture.
  • Freelancers: Use as a tool for obtaining more personalized consulting ideas.
  • Career Changers: Transition into a new field with confidence.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Brainstorming Tool: Generates consulting ideas based on your profile.
  • Personalized Roadmap: A proven plan tailored to your goals and skills.
  • Community Support: Access to a vibrant community of consultants.
  • Detailed Reports: 10-point analysis for each consulting idea.
  • Comprehensive Action Plan: Step-by-step guide to get started.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: AI-generated reports and plans at affordable prices.
  • Scalable Learning Resources: Continuous updates and materials for improvement.


Simplifies: Simplifies the process of starting a consulting business.

Personalized: Provides personalized and tailored consulting ideas.

Roadmap: Supports with a detailed roadmap and action plans.

Community: Offers a vibrant community for mentorship and support.

Affordable: Affordable pricing with a free initial plan.

Detailed Reports: Provides detailed reports and analysis for informed decisions.

AI-driven: AI-driven solutions save time and effort.


Pricing: Launch pricing not clearly defined.

Limited Stages: Limited to only initial stages of consulting business setups.


  • Choose: Free - generates up to 10 consulting ideas based on your profile.
  • Validate: $19 (one-time) - provides a detailed report for up to three consulting ideas.
  • Launch: Pricing TBD (stay tuned for updates) - comprehensive launch plan assistance.

Supported Languages



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What is Armchair?


Armchair is an AI-powered platform that helps you launch a consulting side hustle or business from scratch. It provides personalized consulting ideas, detailed action plans, and access to a community of consultants. Armchair's AI tools simplify the process, making it easier for you to start your consulting journey.

Who can benefit from using Armchair?


How to use Armchair?


What are the key features of Armchair?


Is Armchair suitable for someone with no consulting experience?


How much does it cost to use Armchair?


What kind of support does Armchair provide?


Can I use Armchair to validate my consulting ideas?


How can Armchair help me save time and money?


Do I need a subscription to access Armchair's features?


What makes Armchair different from other consulting tools?


How do I stay updated on Armchair's latest features and pricing?


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