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Automated outreach and CRM tool to find, contact, and close clients.

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What is Instantly?

Instantly is designed to streamline your client outreach process. It integrates features such as automated email sequences and a powerful CRM. The product aims to help you find, contact, and close more clients efficiently. Using it, you can add unlimited email accounts and perform email warm-ups automatically. This maximizes your chances of landing more clients and growing your business.

Instantly also comes with advanced reporting and data analytics. These features allow you to track the performance of your outreach campaigns effectively. You can make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies in real-time. Integrating multiple email accounts and managing them all in one place is another key benefit. It saves time and keeps your outreach organized and efficient.

With its easy-to-use interface, Instantly suits both small businesses and large enterprises. Onboarding is quick, and you can start seeing results immediately. Overall, Instantly aims to be a comprehensive solution for your client acquisition needs.

Use Cases

  • Sales Teams: Use for cold email outreach campaigns.
  • Marketers: Automate follow-ups and lead nurturing.
  • Small Businesses: Manage customer relationships and sales pipelines.
  • Consultants: Streamline client communication and project updates.
  • Startups: Scale outreach efforts without additional resources.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Email Accounts: Add as many email accounts as needed.
  • Automated Email Warmup: Automatically warm up email accounts for better deliverability.
  • Advanced Reporting: Track email campaign performance with detailed analytics.
  • CRM Integration: Manage client relationships seamlessly.
  • Advanced Sequences: Create complex email sequences for effective outreach.
  • Data Analytics: Make data-driven decisions with performance metrics.
  • API & Webhooks: Integrate easily with other tools and platforms.
  • Reputation Protection: Detect and avoid bounce issues to protect your sender's reputation.


Unlimited email accounts: You can add as many email accounts as you need without restrictions.

Automated email warm-up: Automatically warm up email accounts for better deliverability.

Advanced reporting and analytics: Provides detailed analytics for tracking email campaign performance.

CRM integration: Integrates with CRM for better client management.

Easy to use interface: User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

Data-driven decisions: Supports data-driven decision making with performance metrics.

Saves time: Automates outreach tasks, thereby saving time.


Premium plans: Premium plans can be pricey, especially for small businesses.

Learning curve: Advanced features may require a learning curve for new users.


  • Growth: $30/mo for unlimited email accounts, warm-up, 1000 uploaded contacts, and 5000 emails monthly.
  • Hypergrowth: $77.6/mo for unlimited email accounts, warm-up, 25,000 uploaded contacts, and 125,000 emails monthly.
  • Light Speed: $286.3/mo for everything in Hypergrowth, 500,000 emails monthly, and 100,000 uploaded contacts.

Supported Languages



  • Email:
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use Instantly?


Here's a step-by-step guide to get started with Instantly: Step 1: Sign up for an account on Instantly's website. Step 2: Add and verify your email accounts within the platform. Step 3: Set up your email warmup to ensure high deliverability. Step 4: Create your email sequences and add your contacts. Step 5: Monitor your campaign performance using the reporting features. Step 6: Make adjustments based on the analytics for better results.

What does Instantly do?


What are the pricing plans for Instantly?


Is there a free trial available for Instantly?


What languages does Instantly support?


Can I integrate Instantly with other tools?


What are the key features of Instantly?


Who can benefit from using Instantly?


Is Instantly suitable for small businesses?


What support options are available for Instantly users?


Can I scale my outreach with Instantly?


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