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AI-powered search engine for the web.

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What is Exa?

Exa is an AI-powered search engine that aims to provide more accurate and meaningful search results. By leveraging embedding-based search technology, it can understand the context behind user queries and retrieve the best content on the web. This approach helps users find relevant information that traditional search engines might miss.

Exa uses a novel link prediction transformer to predict links corresponding to the meaning of a prompt. It focuses on understanding the user's intent and meaning rather than just the keywords. This results in highly relevant and precise search outcomes. The technology behind Exa enhances the search experience and reduces the time users spend looking for specific information.

Exa offers robust support and flexibility for various user needs. Whether you are an individual looking for precise search results or a company needing powerful search capabilities, Exa has pricing plans and features that scale with usage. This flexibility makes it accessible for a wide range of applications, from academic research to enterprise-level data retrieval.

Use Cases

  • Researchers: Easily find academic papers and related research material.
  • Developers: Integrate precise search capabilities into applications.
  • Students: Quickly retrieve relevant study materials and information.
  • Businesses: Enhance internal knowledge bases and support teams with accurate data.
  • Content Creators: Discover trending topics and content ideas efficiently.

Key Features

  • Embedding-based search: Understands user context to deliver precise results.
  • Link prediction transformer: Predicts relevant links corresponding to prompts.
  • Scalable API: Adjusts to the needs from small projects to enterprise solutions.
  • Custom datasets: Tailor searches to specific datasets, including papers and events.
  • Priority support: Provides direct assistance and rapid issue resolution.
  • Early access: Gain early access to new functionalities and search types.
  • Strict data usage policy: Ensures safe and ethical management of search data.


High accuracy: in search results.

Understands context: understand contextual meanings.

Seamlessly scales: Scales seamlessly with usage.

Customizable datasets: Customizable datasets for targeted search.

Priority access: Offers priority and early access to new features.

Ethical data usage: Ethical data usage and privacy-focused.

Versatile use cases: Suitable for varied use cases from individual to enterprise.


Expensive plans: Custom plans may be expensive for small startups.

Learning curve: Learning curve for integrating API.


  • Hacker: $0/month, up to 10 results per search, 1000 requests per month.
  • Wanderer: $10 for 1k searches (1-25 results), minimum spend $50 per month.
  • Wanderer+: $10 for 1k searches (1-25 results), $30 for 1k searches (26-100 results), $1 for 1k pieces of content, minimum spend $250 per month.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing with tailored features, volume discounts, and prioritized support.

Supported Languages


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What is Exa?


Exa is an AI-powered search engine designed to provide more accurate and meaningful search results by understanding the context behind user queries. It uses embedding-based search and novel link prediction transformers to deliver precise and relevant information that traditional search engines might miss.

How do embedding-based searches work?


Who can benefit from using Exa?


How does Exa's link prediction transformer work?


What are the pricing plans for Exa?


How does Exa ensure data privacy and ethical usage?


What features make Exa stand out from other search engines?


How to use Exa?


What support options does Exa offer?


How can businesses benefit from Exa?


Are there any discounts available for Exa?


What makes Exa's pricing flexible?


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