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One place for the best AI models.

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What is ChatLabs?

ChatLabs is an innovative platform that brings together all the best AI models in one place. It enables users to connect, interact, and get insights from different AI tools seamlessly.

ChatLabs excels in aggregating multiple AI models such as OpenAI's GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, Llama, and Mistral. The platform is designed to help users access a wide range of AI functionalities without needing separate API keys. This helps streamline the workflow and enhances productivity.

One of the main benefits of using ChatLabs is the ease of use. The interface is user-friendly and provides instant access to all the features. It also includes pre-built and custom AI assistants that can aid in daily tasks. Additionally, ChatLabs supports data summarization, prompt libraries, and offers detailed visual generation capabilities, making it a comprehensive AI hub.

Use Cases

  • Business Analysts: Automating data analysis and generating insights.
  • Content Creators: Facilitating content generation, from blogs to social media posts.
  • Students: Assisting with research and summarizing academic materials.
  • Developers: Integrating and testing AI models without the hassle of API keys.
  • Marketers: Crafting marketing copy and performing SEO tasks.

Key Features

  • AI Model Integration: Supports over 30+ leading AI models like GPT-4, Claude, Llama, etc.
  • Custom AI Assistants: Create personalized AI assistants for various tasks.
  • Prompt Library: Access a variety of prompts to boost productivity.
  • Data Summarization: Easily extract and summarize large chunks of data.
  • Image Generation: Generate high-quality visuals using AI models such as DALLE-2.
  • Web Access: Instant search results and online data.
  • File Chats: Upload documents and initiate chats around the file contents.
  • Multi-Device Support: Syncs across various devices for seamless use.


Comprehensive Access: No need for multiple API keys.

User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design.

Customizable Assistants: Tailor AI interactions to specific needs.

Quick Integrations: Easy to integrate with existing workflows.

Efficient Data Handling: Fast and accurate data summarization and analysis.

Visual Content Creation: Generate and edit images seamlessly.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works on various devices without issue.


Monthly Costs: Requires a paid subscription for professional features.

Learning Curve: Some features may have a learning curve for beginners.


  • Bring Your Keys Plan: $9.99 per month, access to AI models with your API keys.
  • Professional Plan: $29.99 per month, unlimited access to all models and features without API keys.

Supported Languages



  • Email: Not provided
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use ChatLabs?


To use ChatLabs, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on the ChatLabs website.
  2. Choose a Plan: Select the 'Bring Your Keys Plan' or 'Professional Plan'.
  3. Connect AI Models: Link your API keys for the models you have access to or use the platform's integrated models.
  4. Explore Features: Utilize the sidebar to navigate features such as prompt libraries, AI assistants, and data summarization tools.
  5. Start Chatting: Initiate chats with the AI models, upload documents if needed, and perform various tasks.

What AI models are supported by ChatLabs?


What are the differences between the pricing plans?


Can I integrate ChatLabs with my existing workflow?


Is there a free trial available?


How secure is the data on ChatLabs?


Are there any hidden fees?


Can I customize AI assistants on ChatLabs?


What features are included in the Professional Plan?


What makes ChatLabs different from ChatGPT?


Can it be used on multiple devices?


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