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AI knowledge assistant for seamless information access.

What is Dashworks?

Dashworks is an AI-powered knowledge assistant designed to consolidate and streamline access to corporate data. It provides users with quick and easy access to information across various applications and platforms. This tool is tailored for businesses looking to enhance productivity and stay organized.

Dashworks offers deep integration with a range of tools and systems, ensuring that information is accessible in one place. The platform’s powerful search capabilities allow users to find documents, messages, and project-related data swiftly. Additionally, Dashworks supports workflow automation to further boost productivity.

The product is suitable for teams and enterprises, supporting both technical and non-technical users. By leveraging AI, Dashworks can also provide verified answers and insights, saving valuable time and reducing the need to switch between multiple applications. The benefits of Dashworks include enhanced collaboration, improved information retrieval, and the ability to manage existing workflows efficiently.

Use Cases

  • Project Managers: Track and manage project documentation and communications.
  • HR Departments: Centralize and access employee data and onboarding documents.
  • Support Teams: Find support tickets and relevant knowledge base articles quickly.
  • Marketing Teams: Gather campaign data and collaborate on content creation.
  • Executives: Obtain high-level insights and analytics for decision-making.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Usage: Access the platform without limitations.
  • Core Integrations: Connect with popular tools and applications used in the workplace.
  • Analytics and Insights: Obtain detailed analytics on data and performance.
  • SSO and SCM Integration: Integrate Single Sign-On (SSO) and Source Code Management (SCM) systems seamlessly.
  • Slackbot: Query Dashworks directly from Slack for quick answers.
  • AI Customization: Customize AI responses and actions based on specific needs.
  • Verified Answers: Receive AI-verified answers to queries.
  • Explore Mode: Discover information and insights interactively.


Integrations: Integrates with numerous popular tools and applications.

Productivity: Enhances productivity with powerful search and retrieval capabilities.

AI Insights: Offers AI-driven insights and automated workflow management.

Centralization: Provides a centralized platform for all types of data and information.

Versatility: Supports both team and enterprise use cases with tailored features.

Collaboration: Facilitates easy collaboration and communication across teams.

Flexible Pricing: Flexible pricing plans to suit different organizational needs.


Learning Curve: Advanced features may have a learning curve for new users.

Pricing Transparency: Enterprise plan requires contact for pricing, which could be less transparent.

Feature Limitations: Some features are exclusive to the higher-tier plan.


  • Team Plan: $12 per seat per month - Unlimited usage, Core integrations, Slackbot, Workflows, Explore mode, Shared topics.
  • Enterprise Plan: Contact us - Everything under Team Plan plus AI customization, Analytics and insights, HRIS integrations, SSO and SCM, Prioritized new integration requests.

Supported Languages



  • Email: [Not specified]
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How to use Dashworks?


To use Dashworks, follow these steps: Step 1: Sign up for an account on the Dashworks website. Step 2: Log in to your Dashworks account. Step 3: Integrate Dashworks with your existing tools and applications. Step 4: Use the search bar to find information across all connected platforms. Step 5: Customize Dashworks settings and workflows to match your needs. Step 6: Use Dashworks' AI capabilities to get verified answers and insights. Step 7: Collaborate with your team members within the Dashworks interface.

What integrations does Dashworks support?


What are the benefits of using Dashworks?


What is the pricing for Dashworks?


Can I try Dashworks for free?


Is Dashworks suitable for enterprises?


Does Dashworks support workflow automation?


What languages does Dashworks support?


What are the key features of Dashworks?


Is there a support system available for Dashworks users?


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