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Easy-to-use AI test automation platform.

What is Virtuoso?

Virtuoso is an advanced platform that combines AI, ML, NLP, and Robotic Process Automation to deliver fast, efficient, and code-free automated testing. It simplifies the testing process, allowing users to execute complex tests quickly and with minimal effort.

Virtuoso enables users to push test results to external tools, providing a seamless integration into existing workflows. The tool supports various testing types, from front-end to back-end, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Additionally, it is hosted on AWS, guaranteeing robust and secure infrastructure.

Users benefit from a user-friendly interface, making it easy to create, execute, and analyze test cases. The platform also offers dedicated customer support, ensuring users have access to assistance whenever needed. Virtuoso's execution speed and efficiency make it an essential tool for any development team aiming to streamline their testing processes.

Use Cases

  • QA Managers: For managing and executing comprehensive testing strategies.
  • Developers: For integrating automated tests into the development pipeline.
  • Business Analysts: For validating business logic and requirements through testing.
  • Agile Teams: For maintaining rapid iteration cycles with reliable test automation.
  • IT Departments: For robust and secure testing infrastructure.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Testing: Utilizes AI and ML for smarter test execution.
  • Code-Free Automation: Allows users to create tests without coding.
  • Robust Integrations: Supports integration with various external tools.
  • Multi-Type Testing: Enables both front-end and back-end testing.
  • Rapid Execution: Executes tests within five minutes.
  • Dedicated Support: Provides extensive customer support and assistance.
  • Data Retention: Offers up to six months of data retention in higher plans.
  • Scalability: Supports up to 120,000 executions per year in the Enterprise plan.


Easy-to-use: Easy-to-use interface.

AI-driven: AI-driven test creation and execution.

Fast: Fast test execution times.

Robust integrations: Robust integrations with external tools.

Comprehensive support: Comprehensive testing types support.

Dedicated support: Dedicated customer support.

Secure hosting: Secure AWS hosting.


Limited retention: Limited data retention in lower plans.

Learning curve: Potential learning curve for advanced features.


  • Growth: For teams getting started, 5 authoring users, 5 minutes per execution, 3 months data retention, up to 30,000 executions/year.
  • Business: For growing teams, 7 authoring users, 5 minutes per execution, 3 months data retention, up to 60,000 executions/year.
  • Enterprise: Customized for large teams, 15 authoring users, 5 minutes per execution, 6 months data retention, up to 120,000 executions/year.

Supported Languages



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What is an execution?


An execution in Virtuoso refers to running a test case or a suite of test cases against your application. This involves the automated process of executing predefined testing steps to validate application functionality. Execution times may vary depending on the complexity of the tests and the scope of the test suite being run.

You're hosted on AWS - so you can't test behind our firewall?


What types of testing can we do with Virtuoso?


Does Virtuoso only test front-end websites?


Is it difficult to learn?


Can I test APIs?


How to use Virtuoso?


What are the main benefits of using Virtuoso?


What support options are available?


What flexibility do pricing plans offer?


Can Virtuoso integrate with existing tools?


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