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Enhance your writing with AI transcription and rewriting.

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What is Oasis?

Oasis is an AI tool designed to improve your communication by offering advanced transcription and rewriting functionalities. It allows users to record audio notes and turn them into coherent text with the help of AI.

Oasis supports creating and customizing AI templates for various writing needs. Users can quickly draft content, making their work more efficient and reducing the time spent on writing tasks. The tool offers a clean and user-friendly interface.

Benefiting from its robust AI algorithms, Oasis ensures high-quality transcription and rewriting. It helps users to sound professional and clear, whether in personal or business communication. Designed for multiple platforms, it's accessible and flexible.

Use Cases

  • Freelancers: Crafting professional emails and proposals.
  • Students: Taking lecture notes and rewriting assignments.
  • Business Teams: Creating consistent communications and reports.
  • Podcasters: Transcribing episodes into readable text.
  • Content Creators: Drafting blog posts and social media content.

Key Features

  • AI Transcription: Automatically convert audio recordings into text.
  • Voice Notes: Easily record voice notes for later transcription.
  • Rewrite Options: Multiple AI rewrite templates to choose from.
  • Custom AI Templates: Ability to create and customize your own templates.
  • Web App Access: Use directly from a web browser.
  • Mobile Apps: Available on iPhone and iPad for on-the-go use.
  • Credit System: Flexible usage based on a credit system.


High-quality transcription: Ensures precise and reliable transcription of audio notes.

Multiple rewrite options: Offers a variety of choices for rewriting text.

Easy-to-use interface: User-friendly design for hassle-free operation.

Web and mobile app access: Available on both web and mobile platforms.

Customizable templates: Users can create and modify AI templates.

Useful for various user groups: Suitable for freelancers, students, professionals, etc.

Time-saving: Reduces the time spent on writing tasks.


Limited to iPhone/iPad: Only available for iPhone and iPad on mobile.

Credit system: Usage depends on a credit allocation system.


  • Basic: $4.17/month - 30,000 credits, record voice notes, premium AI transcription, 20+ AI rewrite templates, create your own AI template(s), web app, iPhone & iPad app.
  • Pro: $12.50/month - 90,000 credits, record voice notes, premium AI transcription, 20+ AI rewrite templates, create your own AI template(s), web app, iPhone & iPad app.
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing - credit sharing, custom AI template sharing, consolidated billing, multiple users, priority support, custom integrations.

Supported Languages



  • Email: [not provided]
  • Address:
  • Phone Number:


How does the credit system work?


Each AI rewrite uses a minimum of 1 credit. The more text you input and output, the more credits you use. Free trial users get 30 credits to play around with. You can always buy more credits. If you're on the Basic plan, upgrading to the Pro plan is a better deal for most people than buying more credits. Credits ensure flexibility and cost efficiency, particularly for heavy users.

Do I need to download an app to use OASIS?


Is there an iPhone app? iPad app?


Is there a web app?


Is there an Android app?


What's the difference between the Basic and Pro plans?


Can I cancel my subscription?


How to use OASIS?


Can I create my own AI templates?


What are the supported languages by OASIS?


Does OASIS offer any enterprise solutions?


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